Saturday, February 27, 2010

Our Baby Girls turn TWO!!

The girls turned two on the 15th and I can not believe it! It seems like just yesterday we were making the drive to Shreveport to visit them in the NICU. They may share a birthday, but that is where they stop being alike. It amazes me that two girls raised the same exact way can be totally different, it is definitely our own little experiment!

The girls about 2 weeks old. Can you guess which one is which??

Elizabeth Grace
5 lbs 2 oz, 18 inches long
Now: 31 lbs and 36 inches long

Lizzie has been our biggest "challenge" yet, she is VERY strong willed and keeps me on my feet from the time she gets out of her crib until she gets back in it. But to offset that she is very kind, especially to her brother and sister and likes to take care of them. She loves babies, dolls or our friends little ones, she will just sit beside them for long periods of time and help put their pacifiers back in. She loves Elmo, Dora, Backyardigans, but her favorite is for sure Wiggles! She thinks she is 4 like her big brother and thinks she can do everything he can do.

Olivia Faith
5 lbs 10 oz, 18 1/2 inches long
Now 27 lbs and 35 inches long

Miss Livi is very funny and knows it for sure! She loves to make funny faces so you will laugh at her and she uses them especially when she is in trouble. She is very tender hearted and is crushed when she gets in trouble for something. She would rather be an only child, she loves to play alone or if I take her out by herself she gets so excited. She does love her big brother and the attention he gives her as well. She does not test the limits set, she loves her babies and is content to sit in her playhouse with them for long periods of time. She is like her mommy and needs sleep! She loves to stay up late and then sleep in and needs 3 hour naps daily. She enjoys Dora, Elmo, and The Backyardigans as well, but her favorite is by far Wiggles and she dances to it all the time!

For the girls Birthday Drew was off so we went to Pump It Up with a few friends to celebrate.

Kason came to join in on the fun
As well as their friend Cole
Kalon smiling at his mama

The girls went up and down this slide hundreds of times!
After a long nap we took the girls to Chuck e Cheese

We finished the week with a Sesame Street Birthday Party in the Atrium at Church. Over 20 of their friends joined us in celebrating them. We are so blessed to have so many children that they go to church with, it is neat to know that the majority of them will grow up with them and one day graduate with them. Such a neat way to build life long friendships starting even now!

The girls got into opening presents!

It's my party and I can cry if I want to ;)

Big Brother needed to help them blow out their candles

The cake that I made with the help with Becky!

blowing the candles out


Holly said...

Happy Birthday to Lizzie & Livi!! Looks like they had a great celebration! I loved the picture of them at 2 weeks old. So cute!