Sunday, January 27, 2008

Birthday and finally some Pics of Grayson

Here are some pictures of Grayson finally! I feel like he has been neglected on the blog lately. Today we celebrated my 27th birthday (or might I say this weekend). Friday night my parents kept Grayson so that we could have a dinner without Grayson, it was nice, but I must say I really do miss him when we go somewhere without him. Saturday my parents took me to Olive Garden with Clay and Melissa while Grayson stayed home and played with Stacy and Jonathan. It was like Christmas for him to eat cake and have Jonathan and Clay around to play with him! Thanks for all the birthday wishes today, I must say I never in a million years thought I would have 3 kids when I was 27, but I can't wait now.

Here is Grayson "trying" to make it home before his nap

Grayson and Aubrey outside Jason's Deli. Now every time we go there he asks "wheres Aubrey"
Tonight at my parents house Grayson thought it was lots of fun to play with Poppy's hat and put it on his head over and over.

My birthday picture before I opened presents. Grayson has been singing his version of Happy Birthday to me all weekend, He enjoyed helping me blow out my candles and opening my presents, but the part he enjoyed most was eating the cake!

While Grayson and my dad were playing tonight on the couch I took a couple of videos of them with the digital Camera. I hope they turn out!


Amy Porter said...

Cute!!! Glad you had a great birthday!!