Saturday, June 14, 2008

4 MONTHS!!!!!!!!

Holy Cow I can't believe the girls are already 4 months old! It does not seem possible, but I guess it is true what they say time flies when you are having fun. This month the girls have switched personalities completely. Elizabeth is now content to just lay on her jungle mat for long periods of time and is almost always smiling! Olivia on the other hand is now the one that wants to be held more and is not content playing on her jungle mat. Granted she is teething and had some stomach issues this month, but still it is interesting how they have changed.

Elizabeth Grace
She smiles all the time, it does not take much. She loves her big brother and lights up every time she sees him. She will just sit and watch him play for long periods of time. I know she will be crawling and walking in no time because she just wants to be with him. She wakes up in the morning just cooing in her bed and there is nothing like going in there and seeing her first smile of the day!

Olivia Faith
She likes to laugh a lot and it is getting easier and easier to get a smile from her. She is starting to light up as well when Grayson is in the room and loves to sit up in you lap. She can sit for a few seconds alone and is almost rolling from her back to stomach (if she could just get her hand out of her mouth long enough to get it out of the way) She also wakes up happy and cooing in her bed and smiles as soon as she sees you.

Since we are four months old we tried some cereal on Saturday, they ate a little, but were not that amused so we will wait a few days and try again. We are sleeping until 6:45 every morning and once we take a bottle we go back to sleep for a couple of hours. I feel like they do sleep a lot, but I guess that is a good thing. They love in the morning when I put Grayson in their bed for a few minutes. And they are very patient when I have to stop mid bottle to help Grayson go potty.

I can't post without telling you a few things about Grayson this month. Off course we are still working on potty training. He is going to school 2 days a week this summer and that has been an adjustment. He loves to make you laugh and walks around singing all day. And he talks up a storm. He has had a hard time understanding where his Nana is and also where his dog Cricket is, we just tell him they are both up in heaven with Jesus. It is a hard concept for a 2 year old, but he seems to understand.

A lot of people assume that my mom comes over every morning and stays and helps me all day, this is not true. My parents do help out a lot and we usually see my mom everyday just for a little break, but she does not stay here with me. My true test has been this week while my parents were in the Bahamas. Drew's parents came on Sunday and helped with the girls during church since Drew was singing, but this was our first week with nobody to step in if we needed them and we SURVIVED and we potty trained as well. So while I do appreciate our parents help more than they possibly know, we can do it alone when needed.

Enjoy our 4 month pics

Olivia, Grayson, Elizabeth
Lizzie and Olivia
Grayson with Olivia


Mindi said...

They are so cute! Thanks for the texted today about Tiger

Kristi Craft said...

I love their pictures. The one of Elizabeth by herself with the pink bow on looks just like you! I can't believe how much they've grown. I still can't believe you have 3 children. I'm freaking out a little about one. I hope we can get together sometime soon!