Monday, May 24, 2010

Fun in the Water

It's been awhile since I have updated. We have finished the school year at ACA and will start summer school in another week. The kids love going to school and learn so much. In our time off from school, I have been working a little with the girls to potty train! They do awesome going when I ask them and we are not far from throwing our diapers away for good! We have spending most evening outside in the water lately or at the Splash park in White Oak. The kids new favorite thing is to play with shaving cream and will do so for long periods of time.

Olivia's swimsuit has stayed mostly dry until today! She just has not cared to explore the water fun.
Who Me?

ACA had their Graduation last week and the program was great. Here is Grayson with his class

The girls did not cry on stage, but they didn't sing either. They became shy ;)

Miss Olivia