Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall Fun Galore!

We spent the weekend at a couple of pumpkin patches to celebrate fall, the only problem is the temperature was in the mid-80's all weekend.  Cooler weather would make this time of year perfect!

The first place we visited was Bell Farms in Tyler.  It is open on Friday's and Saturday's in October and is free for everyone!  It has so many things for the kids to do and places to run around.  We spent several hours just letting them run around.

 This is my absolute favorite picture of all 3 of my kids that Drew took.

Saturday we went to Danville Farms in Kilgore with the teens from church. It is a really neat place to visit as well

Can you tell how tired Lizzie is? She was on her 3rd day of going strong with no naps
Olivia loves Brittany
Eric makes everything fun

 My pictures are out of order somehow, these are the rest of the Bell Farms pictures

 Olivia waiting in line for face painting

 I love that I caught this moment with my camera

 My 3 little pumpkins
 Grayson's wondering how he always ends up by all the girls
 Perfect Olivia picture, just content to hang out and wait on the others

 Olivia is not a fan of any loud noises