Sunday, November 20, 2011

November and 2 months

The kids had their Thanksgiving feast at school on Friday. They were so excited about it

 My little Indian is so big

You can see the difference in the girls right here, Olivia is doing what she is suppose to and praying, Lizzie eating her food ;-)

 Can't believe this is his last feast at ACA

 They love the names their teacher gave them. They have been using them all weekend

Since I had my camera, I thought I would take some pictures outside.

I am beyond blessed with these four! I could not ask for more!

Here are Mac's two month pictures. She has changed so much I feel like in the last month

Almost caught her smile here

She is right on track on her growth chart.  
At her two month she weighed 10.09 (44%)
22 inches long (37%)
Head (15%) definitely has the smallest head of all my kids! 
She is doing a great job holding her head up and is sitting in her bumbo chair for short periods of time.  She likes to be held most of the day, especially naps, but I will take that since she does a pretty good job of staying in her bed at night.  What can I say she is my last one so I know she is going to be spoiled rotten, but that is ok!